I’m here for the real work

The dark, exciting, life transforming, deep shit that uplevels your life forever.

My mission is to empower you with the skills to overcome adversity, break psychological barriers and eliminate victim consciousness so you can step into your power and live with purpose and peace.

Human potential, consciousness and discovering the true purpose of existence has fascinated me and filled my daily contemplation since I was a young girl. This mystery of life and human potential has led me down an immense path of personal discovery and healing as I traveled around the globe pushing my boundaries and exposing myself to different cultures and vantage points. I’ve explored deep into the jungles of Vanuatu and the Amazon, lived in meditation caves, met and studied with breatharians, shamans, and healers. I’ve lived outside for a year, studied and spent months in solitude. I’ve explored ashrams, fasting, and many different healing modalities and diets. I’ve had the honor of intimate discussions with quantum physicists, health leaders. To the left you can see my traditional education, but it’s my life experiences and healing from my own traumatic childhood that I feel has served and educated me the best. ​​

I help people realize their greatness and empower them to achieve their goals. Knowing intimately that this doesn’t happen overnight, but through consistent, dedicated action, I stand by them, I continuously hold their hand and teach them everything I know until they are ready to let go, live empowered and change their lives and therefore humanities for the better. It’s painful at times, but it's more enjoyable than anything you’ve experienced, I guarantee. 

Kelly’s been coaching for 15 years all over the globe. 

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Certified Strategic Intervention Coach 

Licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist 

Certified Rapid Transformational Coach

Whether your business is just starting out or needs help pivoting in a successful direction I can help. I customize programs based off your needs whether its improving system efficiency and increasing profits, designing retreats or working with your staff 1:1 or in a group to achieve your goals and meet your organizations unique needs.

Business Coaching and Retreat Design: